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Life Update & Big Thank You!

There can be many times in our lives where we have more on our mind and in our lives than we are able to tend to. 

This is a season I am currently experiencing. 

Thank you

Firstly, I want to express gratitude for the messages and check-ins I have received from many of you. I was deeply touched. And I would like to explain my extended absence from posting here.

Life Update

I am delighted to share with you that I am currently pregnant with my and my husband’s fifth child! Deo Gratias! Very thankfully, all is going smoothly with the pregnancy. God willing, we will meet our little one towards the end of this year. 

And whilst all is well, I am more tired than I have ever experienced with previous pregnancies. This has meant that only the basics and the absolute essentials are getting done in my home! Some days it feels like not even those are getting covered. Unfortunately, my writing and posting of articles has been one of many things that have been put on pause this season.

Happily, I have not forgotten to take care of myself in the process and for that I am very grateful. Though I have had to learn to pivot and bend to hit that ever-moving target that is self-care. I have had to uncover new methods of giving myself what I need.

I hope, in the coming months, to be able to post more regularly again. It is at the moment, however, entirely dependent on my energy levels. My wise health-care practitioner told me in early pregnancy “God has put the handbrake on” and that is precisely what it feels like. 

I had expected the tiredness to lift for the second trimester but that has not been the case. I am learning a new level of surrender. I am learning to lower my expectations, again. And with this I am also learning a new level of humility. 

With deep gratitude please know that I am keeping you all in my prayers daily and I ask that you keep me in yours also. 

Thank you!

As always, take care of you and Let Truth Bloom… 


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